
Land Rover Experience

We have teamed up with Land Rover Experience Scotland to create a purpose built 4WD course at Aswanley. Situated on Jock’s Hill, high above the Aswanley Steading, it offers excitement, challenges and breathtaking views of the Highlands towards Ben Rinnes.We provide half day off-road driving courses, or full day team building activities, which include blindfold driving and the infamous Cracker: a 4 person drive vehicle! To operate it, one person steers the wheels to the front, the second faces the other way steering their wheels to the front, the third person has the foot controls for the brake and clutch while the fourth has the gear lever and accelerator.

Aswanley and Land Rover Experience Scotland cater to your requirements, every day is bespoke offering unique team building challenges full of fun while at the same time encouraging good communication and management skills. Catering can be organised to suit whether a buffet lunch, BBQ or a lavish banquet.

Land Rover Experience Scotland days can be offered with clay pigeon shooting. We have 15 Promatic state of the art automatic clay pigeon traps and use the topography alongside careful planning to deliver clays that test the expert, and encourage the beginner.

Contact us on 01466 700 340